Fabrication Services
We Offer Custom Fabrication to Your Specifications

AMFI's products are constructed of structural steel that meets or exceeds local codes. Being an AWS approved metal fabricator shop gives you the peace of mind that we have implemented practices consistent with quality and state of the art manufacturing practices. The majority of our fabricators, machinists, and skilled installers have been with the company since its inception and have grown with the company. They take pride in what they are manufacturing and installing and do not let a little hard work get in the way of meeting your deadlines. Our shop hours are typically 7:00 – 3:30 M-F, but as projects require, we increase production hours to 7 days a week, and work multiple shifts allowing us to produce finished goods at a surprisingly fast rate while still maintaining quality.
Having a customer friendly fabrication facility makes it easy for the dealer to instill confidence in their buyer. We welcome visitors at any stage of the manufacturing process, we feel it gives the end user peace of mind they are dealing with people who actually care about their product and future business.