Conveyor Supports

Conveyor Supports & Platforms

Conveyor Supports in a warehouse

AMFI has been manufacturing and installing conveyor platforms for years and integrating a mezzanine with your material handling conveyor system increases productivity and frees up valuable floor space.

Catwalks, equipment platforms, mixing platforms, single- and multi-level conveyor bed supports, conveyor crossovers, and more all available.

Custom applications and experience with the integration of conveyor systems makes AMFI your ideal source for all your conveyor support requirements.

Small, portable and adjustable conveyor bed stands also available.


Conveyor Supports in a warehouse
Conveyor Supports in a warehouse

Welcome to American Mezzanine Fabrication & Installation

AMFI specializes in custom steel solutions which include long span structural mezzanines, catwalks, conveyor support platforms, and material handling accessory parts such as end of row protectors, guardrails, and stairway/staircases. Our licensed and insured industrial mezzanine…

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